The Other Side of the Biodiversity Debate
(The Myth that Man is Responsible for the Destruction of Countless Species)
The Science: Is the Biodiversity Theory Set on a Foundation of Quicksand?
It's All About Control
- IPBES about Governance, Not Science
- Misguided Environmentalists Are Destroying Biodiversity
- France and Japan Propose an 'IPCC for Nature'
- What Next for the Royal Society?
- Biodiversity: Manufacturing a Crisis
- Global extinction crisis looms, new study says
- When you hear the word 'Biodiversity' reach for your Browning
- Greens Reveal their Plan for Global Domination
- The United (Socialist) Nations - Progress on Global Governance via Climate Change, Sustainable Development and Bio-Diversity
- (the fine print) OF THE SIXTH MASS EXTINCTION!!!
- Former Obama Adviser Van Jones Helping to Push 'Human' Rights for Mother Nature
- New U.N. treaty in the making?
- Putting humanity in a kangaroo court
- Environmental group wants "legal rights for flora and fauna"
- EPA Ponders Expanded Regulatory Power In Name of 'Sustainable Development'
- What could be bad about 'sustainability'?
- National Resources are no longer National
- EPA Ponders Expanded Regulatory Power In Name of 'Sustainable Development
- Rio+20: Another Failed Eco-Summit Beckons
- 100 countries back world environment agency
- Representative Herger is wrong about Agenda 21
- CO2 Causes Contempt for Childhood - a climate well-worthy of our alarm
- United Nations chief, aides plot 'green economy' agenda at upcoming summit
- Obama administration sees Rio + 20 Summit in June as Festival of Global Greenness
- UN to propose planetary regulations of water, food
- Agenda 21: Push for new economic measure
- Agenda 21: Science mag calls for steps toward global governance
- Upcoming United Nations Summit Repackages Global Warming Agenda Under the Guise of “Sustainability”
- Get ready for the Rio Happiness Summit
- California Declares War on Detached Homes
- How Environmental Groups Gone Bad Greenwash Logging Earth's Last Primary Old Forests.
- World Governments Establish Biodiversity Panel
- The Royal Society Takes Another Step Away from Science
- The Next Big Green Thing
- Owen Hughes comments:
"The Biodiversity issue is much more serious than the "carbon alarm" stuff; but it has been hard for the Progressives to get good leverage on it. Yes, they can use pandas on the posters and raise a little money, but when it comes to the hard work of cataloging the planet's diversity (enormous and subtle and dynamic beyond our imagination) they really don't have much game. That's a lifetime of fieldwork; and it involves deep questions such as taxonomy of species, their "true" range and population trends over time. That is not going to win votes and buy lunch on K Street.
I have some war stories about encounters with the biodiversity freaks and can attest that they are just as politically extreme as the carbon alarmists. They don't know the science, they don't want to know the science, it's all about the Narrative and gaining power.
It is a crying shame that they behave this way and hijack science, because we really do need to understand and husband the world's biodiversity."
- 17 Reasons to be cheerful (A rebuttal to Agenda 21)
- The Population Control Holocaust
- Only global poverty can save the planet, insists World Wildlife Fund - and the European Space Agency
- The real enemy is humanity itself
- Rio + 20 conference: Negotiators producing a mammoth, messy and expensive grab bag of regulations and demands
- Ahead of summit, U.N. report embraces 'boundaries'
- The future we dread: Marked-up draft of UN Rio+20 agenda reveals shocking "sustainability" wish list
- On Eve of UN Earth Summit, Green Guru Lovelock Slams UN IPCC & Greens: 'Whenever UN puts its finger in it seems to become a mess'-- 'So-called sustainable development is meaningless drivel'
- U.N.’s threat to biodiversity
- UN Censorship: Rio Earth Summit text is now secret -- Senior official of 'transparent' UN admits Rio negotiating text is classified
- The Rio future we avoided
- Ignoring scientific facts, the UN attempts global governance coup at Rio + 20
- Obama uses executive order in sweeping takeover of nation's climate change policies
- A New Global Partnership: Eradicate Poverty and Transform Economies through Sustainable Development
- UN environment program aims to boost influence in the push for a global green economy
- Poverty, environment, even traffic fatalities: UN’s sweeping sustainable development goals aim to fix everything -- on paper
- Venezuela climate summit calls for end to “green economy”
- Report Shows Campus Sustainability Movement Restricts Debate, Harms College Finances
- The Sustainability Project: Part I
- Sustainability Project, Part II
- Agenda 21
- Foundations plan to pay news media to cover radical UN agenda
- Paris’s scary climate agenda
- The Preposterous Green Institute and the IPCC
- How Liberals Are The New Autocrats
- The Death Of Maurice Strong
- EU referendum: Britain’s biggest environmental charities using public cash to call for In vote
- UN Habitat III – Day One
- UN Biodiversity Meeting Supports Gene Drives, Rejects Environmentalists
- UN Appointed Climate Science Team Demands The End of Capitalism
- Scientists seek to subject us to socialism
- EU Wants To Green The Financial Sector: Critics Fear A Green Nanny State
- Exposing radical UN sustainability conference
The Profiteers
- "The Economics of Ecosystems & Biodiversity" (TEEB) Pushes Fear and New Taxes
- New United Nation's Body to put Value on Planet, Show Cost of Damage (goal: world taxation)
- David Suzuki's New Book "A Lost Opportunity"
- 'Biodiversity': the new Big Lie
- Poor nations now need $300 billion a year for environmental cough-mumble
- $5,000,000,000,000: The cost each year of vanishing rainforest
- Corporate irresponsibility
- Deutsche’s climate
- Massive corruption undermines forest protection plan
- Useful Idiots
- The Ecology of Stupid
- Lobsters, caviar and brandy for MPs at summit on starvation (Should the U.N. be in charge of anything!)
- Energy subsidies total $24 billion, most to renewables
- The tab for U.N.’s Rio summit: Trillions per year in taxes, transfers and price hikes
- Report: UN to consider $1,300 green tax on US
- As the UN opens its General Assembly session, it is already thinking up new global taxes
- Wind and solar: the ethical investments to avoid (What happens when the green bubble burst)
- UN "Green Climate" Program Is a Slush Fund for Dictators
- Environmentalists In Cancun: Gene Drives Will Cause Our Extinction, Now Pass The Caviar
- Environmentalists Push Global Wealth Redistribution
Actual Numbers vs. Wildly Exaggerated Estimates--So What's the Count? If Species Have Gone Extinct - Then Name Them.
Why is Man to Blame--99.9999% of species that have ever existed on Earth are extinct today. This is long before man's first footprint on the planet. Extinction on Earth is a natural process. So why is man the culprit now?
A Different Perspective